Episode 16 – Lucky Transplants

It's HomebrewCon Week! As this episode goes live we're at the hotel in Baltimore getting ready to rock out with some homebrew! So this episode is going to be a real “quick” one (for us).
In feedback Denny talks about a great response he got from Spain and then Drew has to issue a correction from the Correctional Department of Corrections about a misstate he had about yeast strains.
In the pub, we talk our “plans” for Homebrew Con in Baltimore in June – a live Q&A, a Troubleshooters Corner, Book Signings and more! Denny recounts his experience with the first “Zymurgy Live” put on by the AHA featuring Stan Hieronymus. Then Drew talks a bit about what might be a trend for the furutue of brewers pulling back from distribution.
For the interview segment in the lounge, Drew interviewed two breweries located a mere 500 ft from each other physically but a world apart in terms of brewing philosophy. Our victims this week are the fine folks of Transplants Brewing and Lucky Lukes Brewing in Lancaster CA – about as far on the edge of Los Angeles as you can get. One is all about the whacky, the culinary, the mad while the other is more traditional with classic beer style approaches. Drew talks to them about their experiences as brewers and how it works to have such proximity to your fellow brewers.
Lastly, Drew offers a tumblr account that explores the nerdy obsession of mashups.

Episode Links:
Patreon Remember even a buck is good for the dogs: http://www.patreon.com/experimentalbrewing
Freedom Service Dogs: https://freedomservicedogs.org/
Homebrew Con – Register Now!: http://www.homebrewcon.org/
Zymurgy Live – https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/aha-events/zymurgy-live/


Transplants Brewing: http://transplantsbrewing.com/

Lucky Luke Brewing: http://luckylukebrewing.com/

Just Two Things: http://justtwothings.tumblr.com/
Episode Contents:
00:00:00 Our Sponsors
00:06:48 Feedback
00:08:09 Correctional Department of Corrections
00:10:02 Beer Life from the Experimental Brewing Pub
00:18:47 The Lounge – Transplants Brewery and Lucky Luke Brewing
00:21:46 Transplants
01:02:02 Lucky Luke
01:41:30 Something Other Than Beer
This episode is brought to you:
American Homebrewers Association
BrewCraft USA Craftmeister NikoBrew PicoBrew
Wyeast Labs

Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) – contact them at igor@experimentalbrew.com. We want more Citizen Science!
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