Second half of the Q&A episode is now ready for your listening and “learning” pleasure!
But first, before we dive into your questions, we're back with your feedback from the first Q&A episode and some Barley Crop Reports that we've cribbed from our friend Teri Fahrendorf and Denny reports on his eggs, because they're expensive!
Then we grabbed a chance to talk with multiple (no, really, multiple) award-winning homebrewer Joe Formanek. Normally we'd subject Joe to the whole twenty questions routine because seriously the man's impressive, but you can go read his profile in Homebrew All-Stars until we get back to that. Why the wait? Because Joe has an interesting new brewing product that he's helping spread the word on – Brewtan B. What is Brewtan B? Well, listen to the episode and find out.
Speaking of finding out – we're happy to announce our next experiment – this one is completely focused on figuring out if Brewtan B does what it says on the tin. (And in that spirit we're giving our IGORs some time to have some fun as well)
Then we get into your questions. For convenience's sake we've divided the questions into general topic categories. This episode we tackle Packaging and Philosophy Questions. We even have more “live” callers!
Episode Links:
BrewTan B –…
Patreon Remember even a buck is good for charity:
Experimental Brew Store –
Episode Contents:
00:00:00 Our Sponsors
00:04:34 Feedback
00:14:50 Library
00:21:17 Lounge – Joe Formanek and BrewTan B
00:46:37 The Lab – BrewTan B Experiment
00:50:39 Q&A Part Deux – Packaging Questions
01:32:30 Philosophy Questions
02:21:29 Recap
This episode is brought to you:
American Homebrewers Association
BrewCraft USA Craftmeister NikoBrew PicoBrew
Wyeast Labs
Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) – contact them at We want more Citizen Science!
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