Episode 104 – Trademark Your Bru

You heard Drew's brew day at Trademark in a previous Brew Files episode, but now you can hear the story of Trademark straight from Sterling. How he got started and what sort of amazing job they're doing in Long Beach after a short time! And of course we get you the news and Drew and Denny talk about Brümalt from Great Western and how they inadvertently used it the exact same way!
Episode Links:
Micro Homebrew – https://www.microhomebrew.com
Cairn Brewing – https://www.cairnbrewing.com
Sierra Nevada Tour & Looking Forward – https://thetakeout.com/ken-grossman-sierra-nevada-interview-beer-future-…
ABI Accuses Millercoors of Stealing Recipe Info – https://www.brewbound.com/news/2019/anheuser-busch-accuses-millercoors-o…
Tasting the 6 Best American Saisons Againist Dupont – https://vinepair.com/buy-this-booze/6-best-american-saisons-saison-dupont/
AHA Homebrew Competition Stats & Analysis – https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/news/national-homebrew-competitio…
False Fall Saison – https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/895490/false-fall-saison
Great Western Brümalt – https://www.greatwesternmalting.com/products/specialty-malts/brumalt/
Trademark Brewing – https://www.trademarkbrewing.com
Joe's Special Recipe – https://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Classic-Joes-Special/
De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina (From my ranch to your kitchen) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjyyWFwUIOfKhb35WgCqVg
Chat with Champs – http://www.chatwithchamps.org/
Patreon Remember even a buck is good for charity: http://www.patreon.com/experimentalbrewing
Experimental Brew Store – https://www.experimentalbrew.com/store
Episode Contents:
00:00:00 Opening & Our Sponsors
00:03:24 Announcements & Feedback
00:19:03 The Pub
00:33:00 The Library
00:40:53 The Brewery
00:50:14 The Lounge
01:34:49 Q&A
01:40:37 Quick Tip & Something Other Than Beer
This episode is brought to you by:

American Homebrewers Association
BrewCraft USA
Brewing America
Jaded Brewing
Mecca Grade Estate Malt
Wyeast Labs
YCH Hops

Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) – contact them at igor@experimentalbrew.com. We want more Citizen Science!
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