Jeff Rankert’s Mecca Doppelbock

This is Jeff Rankert’s Mecca Grade Doppelbock as tasted in Episode 179 of Experimental Brewing, live at San Diego HomeBrewCon!

Recipe Author: Jeff Rankert
Beer Style: Doppelbock
Batch Size: 11.5
Boil Time: 90 minutes
Original Gravity: 1.074
Est Final Gravity: 1.016
IBUs: 22
ABV: 7.7%


25 lbs Mecca Grade Metolius 73.5%
5 lbs Weyermann Pilsner 14.7%
2 lbs Weyermann Munich II 5.9%
1 lbs Weyermann CaraMunich II 2.9%
1 lbs Weyermann Melanoidin 2.8%

Water Profile

Mash: Salts/Acids: 8g CaCI2, 0.5g CaS04, 2g MgS04, 2g NaHCO3, 2g Ca(OH)2, 1.21g Na Meta, 0.5 tsp Brewtan-B
Kettle: Salts: 2g CaCI2, 0.5g CaS04, 1g MgS04, 2.09g Na Meta, 1 tsp Brewtan-B


Main Rest – 145°F for 40 minutes
Second Rest – 158°F for 20 minutes
Third Rest – 163°F for 20 minutes
Mash Out – 170°F for 10 minutes


Hallertauer Mittelfruh % 1 oz 60 minutes
Hallertau 2.4% 2 oz 60 minutes
Hallertau 2.4% 0.5 oz 10 minutes


Diamond Lager (3 packs)


2 tablets Whirlfloc


After Boil and any high temp hopstand/whirlpool, cool wort to pitching temp.
Aerate Wort for 326 Seconds with 02 flowing at 1 liter per minute.
Pitch Yeast, Install Airlock/Blowoff, set up appropriate temperature control at 50 degrees, and have a beer.