Episode 204 – The Hills Are On Fire

You may have heard the hills around Drew caught on fire – well he’s back after that and a laptop collapse! Catch up with us. We have a few episodes waiting to go! (Picture of Mt. Wilson, which should be green and lush, but….)

Episode Links:

Episode Contents:
00:00:00 Opening & Our Sponsors
00:01:47 Announcements & Feedback
00:04:36 The Pub
00:22:19 The Brewery
00:37:45 Quick Tip and Something Other

This episode is brought to you by:

​Jaded Brewing

Wyeast Labs

​YCH Hops

Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) – contact them at igor@experimentalbrew.com. We want more Citizen Science!

In the meanwhile, subscribe via your favorite podcasting service (iTunes, etc). Like our podcast, review it – talk it up! If you have comments, feedbacks, harassments, etc, feel free to drop us a line at podcast@experimentalbrew.com. Follow us on Facebook (ExperimentalHomebrewing) or Twitter (@ExpBrewing). If you have questions you’d like answered in our Q&A segment, send an email to questions@experimntalbrew.com!

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